Signs your Rabbit Is Sick or Unwell

Rabbits are prey animals and can be good at hiding signs of illness. However, there are a few signs that may indicate your rabbit is sick. Here are some common signs that your rabbit may be sick:

Lack of appetite or decreased food and water intake: If your rabbit is not eating or drinking as much as usual, this may be a sign of an underlying health issue.

Changes in bowel movements: Changes in the frequency, size, or consistency of your rabbit's droppings can be a sign of an issue with their digestive system.

Lethargy: If your rabbit is more lethargic than usual or seems to lack energy, this may be a sign of illness. 

Respiratory issues: If your rabbit is sneezing, coughing, or has discharge from their nose or eyes, this may be a sign of a respiratory infection.

Dental issues: If your rabbit is drooling, has difficulty eating, or has overgrown teeth, this may be a sign of dental problems.

Changes in behavior: If your rabbit is less social or less active than usual, this may be a sign of an underlying health issue.

Skin issues: If your rabbit has scabs, bald spots, or flaky skin, this may be a sign of a skin condition or parasite infestation.

Head tilt or loss of balance: This can indicate an inner ear infection or other neurological problems.

Body Language: If your rabbit is hunched over in a tight position and is unwilling to move, they are likely experiencing pain. Additionally, teeth grinding (different from purring) is another indication they are actively in pain.  

If you notice any of these signs in your rabbit, it's important to seek veterinary care as soon as possible. Rabbits are delicate creatures and can worsen quickly if they are not treated promptly. Regular veterinary check-ups can also help catch any potential health issues before they become serious.

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