Litter Training

Litter training your rabbit is an important step in keeping your home clean and your rabbit healthy. Here's a guide on how to litter train your rabbit:

Choose a litter box: Choose a litter box that is big enough for your rabbit to comfortably sit in, but not so big that it takes up too much space in their living area. A plastic storage box or a commercial litter box will work well. Beware of choosing "rabbit" litter boxes that are for cage corners, these are often too small and a regular litter box is much more appropriate. 

Choose a litter: Choose a litter that is safe for your rabbit, such as recycled paper or wood pellets. Avoid using clumping cat litter or cedar or pine shavings, as they can be harmful to rabbits.

Fill with hay: Place hay within the rabbit's litter box. Rabbits eat while they are using their litter, and this will further promote them to be inside the litter box & use it.

Place the litter box: Place the litter box in a location where your rabbit spends most of their time, such as their living area or playpen.

Introduce your rabbit to the litter box: Place your rabbit in the litter box and allow them to explore it. Praise them when they use the litter box correctly.

Encourage your rabbit to use the litter box: If your rabbit does not use the litter box, ensure enough hay is in the box, or place some of their droppings in the box to encourage them to use it.

Keep the litter box clean: Top up with fresh hay daily. Replace the litter completely once a week to maintain free from odors.

Gradually expand your rabbit's living area: Once your rabbit is consistently using the litter box, you can gradually expand their living area. Provide additional litter boxes in their expanded space to encourage them to use the litter box consistently.

It's important to be patient and consistent when litter training your rabbit. Rabbits can be stubborn, but with time and patience, they can learn to use the litter box consistently. If you have any concerns about your rabbit's litter box habits, consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

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