How To Setup Living Area

At The Warren, we care about the overall well-being of your furry friend. Setting up a comfortable and safe living space for your rabbit is crucial to their happiness and health. In this guide, we will cover how to set up an indoor living area, what supplies you'll need, and the do's and don'ts to ensure a happy and thriving environment for your rabbit.


Choose the right location:

Select a quiet, well-ventilated, and temperature-controlled area in your home, preferably with natural light. Avoid placing the living area near drafts, loud noises, or direct sunlight, which can be stressful or harmful to your rabbit.


Select a suitable enclosure:

Rabbits need ample space to move, explore, and exercise. Choose a large pen or cage with a minimum size of 12 square feet (1.1 square meters) for a single rabbit, or larger for multiple rabbits. The enclosure should have a secure door and be made of sturdy, chew-proof materials. It is ideal that your rabbit have free roam of the environment / home they are in, as this promotes exercise and results in a happier & healthier bunny.


Supplies you will need:

  • A large pen
  • A way to cover hardwood (Play mats, rugs, regular mats, etc.)
  • Bedding material (hay, aspen shavings, or paper-based bedding)
  • Litter box
  • Hay
  • Hay feeder 
  • Food and water dishes
  • Hideout or shelter
  • Toys and chew items
  • Exercise pen or playpen
  • Cleaning supplies (brush, dustpan, and odor-neutralizing spray that is animal safe)


Set up the enclosure:

  • If using a pen, setup to result in the largest total area, a square is ideal
  • Place a litter box with rabbit-safe litter in one corner of the enclosure, and fill with your bedding material / hay.
  • Attach a hay feeder to the enclosure's side, and provide fresh hay daily.
  • Provide ceramic or metal food and water dishes to prevent tipping or chewing. A bottle is not ideal for rabbits.
  • Add a hideout or shelter, like a cardboard box or wooden hide, for privacy and security.
  • Include rabbit-safe toys and chew items, such as untreated wood, willow balls, or cardboard, to keep your rabbit entertained and promote dental health.


Credit - @louulopp


Provide an exercise area:

Rabbits need daily exercise outside of their enclosure. Set up a secure exercise pen or playpen in the same room, or bunny-proof a designated area in your home for your rabbit to roam freely and safely. This is not needed if your rabbit is free roam, as they readily have access to the entire home. 

Do's and Don'ts:


  • Clean the enclosure regularly, including the litter box, bedding, and food dishes.
  • Provide fresh hay, water, and a balanced diet.
  • Offer supervised exercise time daily.
  • Socialize and interact with your rabbit regularly.
  • Ensure the enclosure is secure and safe from potential hazards.


  • Use harmful bedding materials like cedar or pine shavings.
  • Place the enclosure in direct sunlight, drafts, or loud areas.
  • Leave your rabbit unsupervised during exercise time.
  • Neglect your rabbit's need for mental stimulation and social interaction.


By following this guide and ensuring a safe, comfortable, and stimulating living space for your rabbit, you'll be providing the best possible environment for them to thrive. Happy bunny parenting!

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